King, Queen in Narayanhiti

July 4, 2002

Thirteen months after the June 1 Narayanhiti Royal Palace carnage, King Gyanendra and Queen Komal moved Wednesday to take up permanent residence at the Palace, sources close to the Palace said.

Princess Prerana, the only daughter of the royal couple, also moved to Narayanhiti with her parents from Nirmal Niwas. Special pujas and prayers were offered before the King and Queen shifted residence.

Princess Dilasha and Sitasma, daughters of Dhirendra Shah and Princess Prekshya, also moved to Narayanhiti. They were living with the King and Queen after the death of their mother Princess Prekshya in a helicopter crash. Crown Prince Paras and Crown Princess Himani continue to live in Nirmal Niwas.

Queen Ratna was the sole royal occupant of the Narayanhiti Royal Palace after the June 1 carnage in which 10 royals and relatives were killed. King Gyanendra drove daily to Narayanhiti for work after accession. The entire family of King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya were killed in the unprecedented shootout.