Jana Aandolan victims gherao ministers’ residence

January 3, 2007

Hundreds of activists injured during the April movement gheraoed the Ministers’ Quarter at Pulchowk, Lalitpur, to pressurise the government to fulfil their demands.

They ended their picketing after some ministers present inside the Ministers’ Quarter assured to see to their demands that government declare the victims of Jana Aandolan as ‘democracy fighters’ and provide them with free education, healthcare, transportation facilities, employment opportunities and immediate relief and compensation.

The protesting activists warned of stronger agitations if government failed to meet their demands.

Police had arrested and released more than 100 activists while staging sit-in in front of Singha Durbar, the main administrative seat of the country, on Tuesday.

25 people had died and over 400 thousands injured in excessive use of force by the royal regime to suppress the pro-democracy movement in April 2006.

Many injured pro-democracy activists are still undergoing treatment at various hospitals.