Int’l Media Mission continues parleys; meets Maoist leaders

March 24, 2006

A team of the International Advocacy Mission for Press Freedom in Nepal– that is on a week-long visit to assess the state of the media and journalists– met Maoist leaders in a remote village in the western district of Palpa on Wednesday and discussed the problems journalists faced from the rebels.

According to reports, the team met Maoist central member and deputy commander Prabhakar, deputy spokesperson Ramesh Koirala and Commissar of the fifth division of the Maoists, Sudarshan, at Deugir area of Jhadewa VDC.

The two sides discussed the state of the media and the plight of journalists in the country, reports quoted members of the visiting team as saying.

Representatives of the team, Sadar Asad, Vincent Brossels, Ashis Sen, vice-president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) Gangadhar Parajuli, FNJ members Purna Basnet, Durga Karki and journalist Purusottam Dahal attended the meeting.

The mission sought clarification from the Maoists on several issues, including the difficulties including threats and harassment by Maoist against local journalists.

In response, Maoist leaders conceded some mistakes in the past and expressed commitment not to repeat them in future.

“Maoist leaders expressed their commitment to press freedom during the meeting,” Parajuli said. “We will not target journalists. All attacks on them in the past were by mistake,” Parajuli quoted Maoists as saying.

Meanwhile, the Mission also held various meetings on Thursday with ambassadors, civil society members, senior government officials, leaders of political parties and discussed Nepali media situation.

A press statement issued by the FNJ said the International Mission to Nepal had a round table discussion with prominent civil society members of the country and discussed the situation of press freedom and freedom of expression in Nepal.

Participants at the program expressed their deep concern over the situation of freedom of expression in Nepal and appreciated the Mission’s solidarity and support to Nepali media, the statement adds.

Former Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana, former Supreme Court Justice Laxman Prasad Aryal, member of the National Assembly Radheshyam Adhikari, president of Federation of Journalists (FNJ) Bishnu Nisthuri, president of Nepal Teachers Association Keshav Bhattarai, president of Nepal Bar Association Shambhu Thapa, vice president of Nepal Bar Association Sher Bahadur KC and former FNJ president Taranath Dahal expressed their views during the meeting.

Members of the Mission, Jesper Hojborg, Director of IMS, Mogens Schmidt, UNESCO, Marcelo Solervicens of AMARC, Jacqline Park, Asia Coordinator of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Thomas Hughes, IMS, Shiela Gruner, IFEX, Mark Bench, Director, World Press Freedom Committee were also present during the discussion.

The international mission for press freedom also held separate meetings with the Norwegian Ambassador, Finnish Ambassador and other officials on Thursday.

Similarly the international mission team also held meeting with Ian Martin, representative of United Nations Higher Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), to discuss the human rights and media freedom situation in Nepal.

As continuation of the international advocacy mission that visited Nepal in July last year, 12 international organizations including Article 19, Free Voice, International Federation of Journalists, South Asia Press Commission, International Media Support, Rory Peck Trust, IFEX and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) among others are in Nepal to assess the situation of press freedom and freedom of expression.