Leaders of various political parties have termed the concern shown by a section of the international community over the ongoing peace talks as normal.
Speaking at an interaction in the capital Wednesday, Nepali Congress Democratic leader Manmohan Bhattarai said the concern of foreigners over the ongoing peace talks in Nepal not unusual because the international support played an important role for the success of the people’s movement.
He also said the US ambassador James Moriarty’s comment that the Maoists should not be included in an interim government before they are disarmed is logical. “That is not just the wish of America but also of Nepali people.”
He further added that constituent assembly elections should be conducted under the show of weapons.
Speaking at the same programme, CPN (UML) leader Jhal Nath Khanal said that signing an extensive ceasefire code of conduct is a must for taking the talks to a logical end.
“Though Nepalis themselves are capable of deciding their choice of political system, the concern of the international community should not be taken otherwise,” he added.
Nepali Congress leader Narahari Acharya said turning the country into a democratic republic is the only way ahead.
He added that Nepali Congress would also stand in favour of republican set up in the country during the constituent assembly polls.
“Democracy can not be stabilized and there won’t be peace in the country if the NC fails to take this decision,” he added.
He commented that the peace talks were not moving in the right direction as the political parties are indulging in some petty technical issues.
Maoist leader Ram Karki said his party was ready to lock up arms if political parties agreed to go for the republican set-up.
Commenting on Tuesday’s meeting between Maoist chairman Prachanda and Indian ambassador to Nepal, Karki said that the leaders met Indian ambassador as the representatives of a responsible political party.