Interim parliament convenes; MPs sworn in (9:10 pm)

January 15, 2007

The first session of the newly formed 330-member interim parliament convened at the parliament building in Singha Durbar Monday evening.

Maoist leaders and new members of parliament Dina Nath Sharma, Dev Gurung and Krishna Bahadur Mahara (from left to right) signing the oath of office and secrecy document at the Parliament building, Monday night, Jan 15 07.

It was a landmark moment when the Maoist MPs entered the parliament building along with the sitting MPs, who were members of the dissolved House of Representatives and National Assembly, (HoR) and some other new faces.

The MPs of different parties could be seen greeting each other as the meeting started at around 9:00 pm. Most of the Maoist MPs were seen in grey coats while those from Terai region were clad in their traditional Dhoti and Kurta.

Nepali Congress MP Bal Bahadur Rai, the most senior parliamentarian, chaired the opening session of the interim parliament. Rai took the oath of the chair of the session and administered collective oath of office and secrecy to the MPs.

Leaders of parliamentary parties are set to address the second session of the interim parliament shortly, which will endorse the Interim Constitution 2063 promulgated by the dissolved HoR.