Kathmandu: The Maoists leadership of late has been sending positive signals to the establishment that if conducive atmosphere for talks prevailed, they would certainly join the talks under the supervision of some recognized international guarantors.
Krishna Bahadur Mahara is on record to have made it abundantly clear to the government and the rest that they were ready for the talks.
No less surprising is the statement coming as it does from the rebels to have come when the Indian leadership in Delhi sent alarming signals to the Maoists that they would be dealt with heavy hands if they were nabbed in Indian territories but then yet would prefer talks for the issue to settle down amicably.
Maoists’ high command is not happy with the fresh Indian assurances offered to Nepali prime minister Deuba during his recent trip to Delhi becomes clear from the fact that in the recent days Maoists have begun dubbing India as a country with expansionists designs.
Sources say that most of the top ranking Maoists leaders have already entered Nepal and have decided to continue their struggle right being inside their own territory.
Maoists top leadership is apparently in knowledge that if they harassed the Nepali establishment further could ensure Indian intervention in Nepal to the detriment of both: the Maoists and that of the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
However, Prachanda thinks it differently.
He presumes that since America is bogged down in Iraq and that even if the US seduces India to take care of the Nepali issue, India for a variety of strategic and military reasons will apparently avoid its direct intervention in Nepal. Prachanda also believes that China, Nepal’s northern neighbor, would retaliate with full force in case India intervened into Nepali affairs directly.
“China neither would support the Indian intervention nor would tolerate any such military intervention in Nepal”, says Prachanda in his interview printed in one of the party’s online magazine.
This means that in such an eventuality, according to Prachanda, China would act like a deterrent to India’s possible interference in this Himalayan Kingdom. ( See Dristi weekly dated 21 September).
Yet another weekly affiliated to congress concludes that the Maoists have for the time being have shelved the idea of a constituent assembly and that they would now prefer to ensure comfortable relations with the monarch for the party can’t afford to fight a battle concurrently with India and the United States of America.
“Party’s temporary aim would be to go in for people oriented republic( Lok Tantraik gantantra) and the real objective would then be to install New people’s republic, Naya jana badi gantantra.
The Maoists will have to bear more pressures from India in the days ahead for the Indian Home Minister , S.R.Patil, will have by now met nine chief ministers of various provinces to tackle their own insurgencies whose links have already been established with Nepali Maoists. The meeting was held in Hyderabad, India.
All in all, the Maoists have now reasons to be inside their own motherland. Analysts presume that theirs being inside Nepal will enhance the peace talks. Pleasingly enough, the Deuba government has already hinted that talks with the Maoists might commence before Dashain festivals.