The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed concern over the continuing attacks on press freedom in Nepal.
In a press statement issued on Friday evening, the international media rights body said, ” Since Nepalese parliament reconvened in April some important headway has been made for media freedoms in Nepal, however journalists continue to be targeted and more must be done to ensure the rights and safety of media workers are protected.”
IFJ President Christopher in his statement stated that photojournalist Bhaskar Ojha of the Samay weekly, was reportedly beaten by Maoist cadres and had his motorcycle damaged on September 18, even as he showed his press identity card. The IFJ further said that media persons were reportedly attacked, had their equipment seized and received death threats during the dispute in a temple in Doti on September 17.
Similarly, a group of people padlocked the office of Morang-based newspaper Moufasal Weekly on September 15, in response to an article, which said a Maoist cadre Bhim Tamang tried to sexually assault a minor girl, according to the IFJ. The Maoists reportedly forced a RSS journalist Hari Narayan Regmi and the wife of Shreeram Sigdel of the Annapurna Post, both based in Nawalparasi, to acquire party membership.
“Until journalists can report freely without fear for their safety and without influence from external parties, a truly democratic Nepal cannot exist,” Warren said.
The IFJ has also urged the government to implement the recommendations made by high-level media commission to ensure a more independent, professional and effective media in Nepal.
The government of Nepal must use this opportunity to make some concrete moves to ensure greater protections for journalists and their freedoms, and to send a message to those who seek to harm or pressure journalists that this behaviour will not be tolerated, Warren added.
Warren said the organisation was also saddened by the death of two Nepalese media workers in the helicopter crash on September 23.
The Sri Airlines chopper crash in Taplejung killed NTV reporter Hem Bhandari and cameraman Sunil Singh along with 22 others including state minister Gopal Rai and top conservationists.
“The IFJ sends our condolences to the family and friends of Bhandari and Singh and the rest of the passengers who lost their lives in this tragic accident,” Warren said.