House okays proposal

June 24, 2000

Kathmandu, June 24: The meeting of the House of Representatives the other day approved the proposal seeking consideration on the “Martyr Gangalal National Heart Centre Bill-2056 B.S. Presented by Health Minister Dr. Rambaran Yadav.

Earlier, responding to queries raised during discussion on the bill, Minister Dr. Yadav said a target has been kept to develop the heart centre established in the memory of martyr Gangalal not only as a treatment centre but also as a centre for conducting research relating to heart as well as a preventive centre against heart diseases.

Providing autonomy to any organisation without prior to discussion may create problems in the future, Dr. Yadav said, adding that maxiumum autonomy to B. P. Koirala Cancer Hospital has led to a situation when its present chairman draws a monthly salary amounting to Rs. 55,000.

Stating that sensitive organisations like health institutions should be represented by intellectuals and experts rather than political representatives, Dr Yadav expressed hope for serious thinking and suggestions from MPs in improving the bill in the interest of the nation.

Serious attenion will be given to the issue relating to the representation of elected representatives in the bill, he added.

CPN-UML MPs Prem Bahadur Singh, Iswor Pokherel, Pradip Gyawali and Shankernath Sharma Adhikari took part in the discussion. The meeting the other day also passed the proposal seeking approval for sending the “Cooperatives (first amendment) Bill-2056 B.S.” for discussion to the concerned committee presented by Minister of State for Agriculture and Cooperatives Baldev Sharma Majgainya.