Leaders of major opposition political parties have dubbed the recent notice of the Home Ministry as baseless and result of defeated mentality of the government.
Talking to Nepalnews, Subash Nemwang, central committee member of CPN-UML, one of the members of the seven party alliance has termed the notice of the home Ministry as a result of defeated mentality of the undemocratic government and alleged that the government does not have authority to issue such notice.
“The incumbent government is undemocratic and unconstitutional so it is devoted to curtail the freedom of people,” he added.
The constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 1990 guarantees people’s right to peaceful assembly, right to travel so nobody has authority to curtail such freedom, he said, adding, “The statement of the Home Ministry is irresponsible and undemocratic.”
Ruling out the possibility of Maoist infiltration in the April 8 showdown, he added that seven political parties are holding peaceful agitation so there will be no room for violent activities of the Maoists.
The statement will have no impact in the agitation of the seven political parties and instead will help in publicity of the protest programmes, Nemwang added.
In a bid to foil the proposed mass meeting of the seven opposition political parties, the Home Ministry yesterday appealed to the citizens residing outside the capital Valley to reschedule their visits to Kathmandu, in case they coincide with the protest programmes, except in cases of emergency
The Home Ministry has also called the industrial community, school operators, public transport operators, and businessmen to shun threats and rumours and run business as usual, without any fear.
The ministry has asked everyone to immediately inform the nearest security agency in case they see suspicious individuals or objects, or questionable activities taking place at the public places or in their neighbourhood.
“With the terrorists often found using private or public vehicles by either tempting the owners or issuing threats, the ministry also asks anyone affected in this way to contact the nearest security agency,” the statement adds
The ministry said that the Maoists can use the hotels, lodges, public rest houses and school or university hostels for shelter and advised the management of such institutions to take precaution and inform the security agencies in case they suspect anybody.
The ministry has said that as a measure to maintain order, the security forces could ask anyone about their identity and appealed to everyone to carry an identity card.
“The government has come to know that the terrorists have instructed their cadres to take part in the general strike, following their agreement with the seven political parties,” the Ministry statement said.
It also requested people to avoid attending any such rallies and protest programs since the security forces could take necessary action.
Meanwhile, joint General Secretary of Nepali Congress, Dr Ram Sharan Mahat, also dubbed the Home Ministry’s statement as totally baseless and ridiculous.
“As the government has failed to control the violent movement (insurgency) of the country, it is now using its power to suppress the peaceful agitation of the seven political parties,” he added.
He also said that the government’s statement that Maoists will infiltrate is wrong, adding the Maoists are only supporting the peaceful movement of seven political parties, not participating in it.
He further said that though the statement and repressive measures of the government will have some impact in the agitation of the seven political parties, the movement will have wider public support and succeed.