HM receives credentials

January 21, 2000

Kathmandu, Jan 21: His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev has said relations between Nepal and Brazil have been marked by mutual understanding, friendship and cordiality since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1976 and both countries cooperate with each other in various multilateral fora to promote the cause of international peace, progress and prosperity on the basis of the purpose and principles of the united nations charter.

His Majesty made these remarks while receiving letters of credence from Brazilian Ambassador Mrs Vera Barroun Machado at the Narayanhity Royal Palace today.

Through geographically far apart, Nepal and Brazil are making efforts to promote the interest of  developing  countries to achieve the objective of a just and equitable new international order, His Majesty said, adding  “in this context, we would like to especially mention the laudable countribution Brazil has made in raising international awareness on the degradation of global environment by hosting the earth summit in Rio de Janiero in 1992.

In Nepal, we have undertaken various measures to improve the quality of life of the people with open and liberal economic policies within the broader framework of peace, democracy and human rights, His Majesty said.

The process of economic development should also give due consideration to the protection and sustainability of environment, His Majesty added.

Earlier presenting her letters of credence to His Majesty the King, Brazilian ambassador Mrs Machado said Brazil and Nepal are two developing countries that exert their best efforts to achieve development to the benefit of its citizens. Our two nations are convinced that development must not be promoted at the expense of our natural environment, she added.

Noting that cooperation linkage should be explored, not only in the multilateral fora but at the bilateral level also, the ambassador observed that besides agriculture and agro-business, trade, hydropower projects and environmental protection, many other prespectives of cooperation may be indentified.

Similarly,  His Majesty the King has noted that relations between Nepal and Oman have been marked by mutual understanding, goodwill and cordiality and both Nepal and Oman are the members of the nonaligned movement and have the unswerving faith in the principles and purposes enshrined in the charter of the United Nations.

His Majesty the King made this remark while  receiving letters of credence from  ambassador of the sultanate of Oman to the Kingfom of Nepal Khalifa Bin Ali Bin Essa Al-harthy at the Narayanhity Royal Palace today.

Observing  that the two countries are led by common aspiration for attaining peace and prosperity to our peoples, His Majesty expressed the belief that the relations between the two countries will grow steadily in the days ahead to mutual satisfaction of the two nations.

Earlier presenting his letters of credence to His Majesty the King, Omanese ambassador Khalifa Bin Ali Bin Essa Al-harthy expressed his determination to do utmost in realization of the nobel goal of strengthening friendly relations and cooperation between Nepal and Oman bearing in mind that the strong ties between our two countries are based on mutual respect and common interest. LIkewise, His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev has said Nepal and Switzerland have been enjoying a cordial bilateral relationship for the last four decades and these relations are characterised by mutual understanding, goodwill and cooperation.

His Majesty made this remark while receiving the letters of credence from Mr. Walter Gyger, ambassador of  the Swiss confenderation to the Kingdom of Nepal  at the Narayanhity Royal Palace today.

Stating that our relationship is also reinforced by similarities in natural beauty, muntainous terrain, landlockedness and ardent desire to remain independent throughout our history, His Majesty noted that the exchange of visits that has taken place at various level and people to people contacts have also contributed to the consolidation of our ties.

His Majesty recalled the state visit to Nepal by the then president of Swiss confedeation Mr  Arnold Koller in 1997, which further contributed to consolidating relations between our two countries.

Switzerland was one of the first countries of europe which started development cooperations program in Nepal in the early fifties, His Majesty said, expressing sincere appreciation to the people and government of swiss confederation for their consistent assistance to Nepal particularly in the fields of rural transport and development, education and poverty alleviation.

In Nepal, we are pursuing open and liberal economic policies under the democratic dispensation to attain and objective of economic growth with emphasis on socially responsible development, His Majesty added.

Earlier  presenting his letters of credence to His Majesty the King, Swiss Ambassador Gyger said trust and confidence is also the basis of the relations between the swiss confederation and Nepal. Switzerland has followed with interest the courageous steps His Majesty has undertaken to modernise Nepal and to adapt to a changing world, he added.

“Thanks to our leadership and our foresight this was possible in peace and harmony,” he added.

Noting that for many decades, the Kingdom of Nepal has been one of  the privileged partners of Switzerland in development coopration and together Nepal  the  swiss agency for devlopment and cooperation has definced a country programme for th years 1998-2004 he said since its begnning in the 1950s. The swiss programme concentrated on rural development and poverty alleviation.

The Swiss Development Coopration in Nepal follows a programme approach characterised by concentration on three sectors namely transport, occupational skills and enterprise development  as well as natural resource management, he added.