Nepalese Co-operation Group (NCG) organised a one-day-free-health camp at Madhyapur Thimi Municipality Bhaktapur recently.
Dr. Bimala Joshi, Dr. Sunita Aryal, Dr. Vivek Acharya, Dr. Milan Maharjan, Dr. Suraj Shrestha and Dr. Rajendra Nepali had provided their services in the camp in which five hundred local people received health services and midicines free of cost.
The members of recently established NCG compriseds of : president Rajani Malla, vice-president Manju Arjyel, secretary Aruna Gyawali, joint-secretary Ramita Mathema, treasurer Narbada Rajbhandari and members, Indira Gorkhali, Susmita Gorkhali, Rosani Sthapit, Anita Shrestha, Sabita Shrestha, Baidehi, Uma Palikhe and Kirti Mathema.