Havoc on Prithvi Highway

August 16, 2000

August 16, 2000

The main highway that links most parts of the country, including capital city Kathmandu, has been disrupted several times in the past couple of weeks. Even now, a vital portion of the Prithvi Highway, has been damaged by landslide. Upto ten thousand passengers were stranded on this busy road because of the landslide at one time three days back.

As can be expected, many people, specially the old and very young passengers, went through a harrowing period when they were stranded at different places. The constant rain and humid heat did not help matters. It has been reported that many people fell ill and some even had to be rushed by the few ambulances that were available.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of the situation, the shopkeepers on the highway, charged highly inflated prices for whatever goods were on demand, specially foodstuff. Even in normal times, things like cold drinks, biscuits and Wai Wai instant noodles cost much more than they do at regular destinations.

But during the emergency, a packet of Wai Wai cost as much a Rs. 35, a bottle of mineral water Rs. 30 and a packet of biscuit Rs. 20. For many, even this was not available, if they happened to be stranded at the wrong places.

One unfortunate person sadly had just enough money to reach home, so when he was stranded, there was no option but to beg for money and charity from fellow passengers.

Also, it was reported that one man, who had to reach Kathmandu on the very day his bus was stranded, tried to trek across the hills to get here. But because of the rain and slippery trails, he fell and had to be rushed to hospital for the treatment of broken leg.

However, apart from the troubles that thousands of passengers underwent, the lack of preparedness of the government agencies to deal with this emergency, was very unfortunate. There was not enough dozers to clear the road and the two that eventually reached the site of the landslide, were not big enough to clear the rubble.

A government spokesman himself admitted that they did not have a big vehicle to clear a huge boulder that had fallen at the middle of the highway.

Considering the importance of this vital highway, which links Kathmandu to the rest of the country and also the huge number of vehicles that ply on it everyday, shouldn’t the government have adequate equipment to deal with any eventuality of a landslide in a quick manner? This year the highway was closed continuously upto three days.

One can see shiny expensive four wheel drive vehicles being driven around by government officials, even if small city cars could have easily carried them around. Why incur such expenses on unproductive utilities, but neglect such vital needs like equipment to clear roads?