Convener and Deputy Prime Minister Badri Prasad Mandal Thursday unveiled a 38 point economic relief package to the people hit by the Maoist insurgency and a sagging economy.
The government set aside money for reconstruction of infrastructure destroyed by Maoists and resettlement of people affected by Maoist violence.
The government has prioritized areas that help enhance the peoples’ living standards by way of creating self -employment. The government has given emphasis to basic services such as drinking water and basic health service.
Focus will also be on irrigation, road construction and river management. Special programmes are being introduced for the poor in a bid to alleviate poverty. Under the relief programme, the government is providing 75.85 per rebate on the farmers’ loans that have matured.
The government has also decided to provide 100 per cent rebate on loans of up to Rs. 45,000. The government has scrapped the compound interest on the loans taken from the Agricultural Development Bank.
The government has introduced several schemes to promote the rural economy. Priority has been given to supplying food to the rural areas.
To provide prompt and efficient health services to the people, the government has decided to set up a Poor and Helpless Treatment Fund (PHTF) to support the poor people. Provisions will be made to supply the essential drugs through the health posts and hospitals across the country.
In the education sector, the government will provide scholarships to girls and children of dalit in 40 districts. Ten students belonging to the dalit, indigenous and backward communities will be awarded scholarships for higher education.
The government will also help victims of this year’s devastating natural disaster besides implementing a food for work programme. Mandal said the government will also rehabilitate people who have defected from the rebel camp and decided to lead normal lives.
The new programme of the one-month-old government of Prime Minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand will be met by money already set aside in the current fiscal year’s budget. Mandal announced for the first time the formation on a security unit to protect industry.
“I ask the Maoists to come forward for talks to solve the current crisis. I am hopeful the Maoists will come forward for talks to resolve the current crisis,” Mandal told reporters.
Finance Minister Dr. Badri Prasad Shrestha earlier announced an economic reform package to be implemented over the next six months.