‘Govt to introduce bill against racial discrimination’

January 16, 2001

Kathmandu, Jan. 16 : A discussions programme was held here today to prepare an alternative report on Nepal for the conference on elimination of all forms of racial discrimination 2001 to be held later this year in Geneva, Switzerland.

Speakers at the programme jointly organised by the Dalit NGO Federation (DNO) and the Dalit support unit under DANIDA/HUGOU said that the oppressed and downtrodden in Nepal were deprived of political, social, educational and economic opportunities and demanded social awareness and reservations for the upliftment of this community.

Under secretary at the Ministry of Local Development Sadhu Ram Sapkota said that the government has formed a committee for protecting and promoting the rights and interests of the oppressed class and a bill in this connection will be introduced in the forthcoming session of parliament.

U.N. Human Rights sub-committee member Barbara A. Frey, Federation President Durga Sob, General Secretary Dilip Pariyar, member D.B. Sagar, advisor Hira Biswakarma and Dr. Jeet Gurung of DANIDA furnished suggestions at the programme.