As pressure mounts on the government to end the ban on FM news programs, the Ministry of Information and Communication Wednesday announced to have started the process to take action against Nepal FM 91.8 for ‘violating’ the ban.
The ministry said that Nepal FM, by airing news on its daily program called “Rajdhani Khabar”, went against the provisions of the National Broadcasting Regulations (2051 B.S). The FM station was asked today to clarify on the matter.
Insisting that the said FM station has been challenging the government decree, the ministry in its notice asked why its operating license should not be scrapped on grounds of violation of the regulation. The ministry also said it had already started homework to terminate the FM’s license within a week. The FM station, however, has said that even as it is against the government ban, its program does not fall under the popular definition of news program, reports said.
Launched last year, Nepal FM boasts of largest network of FM radio stations in Nepal. It had started airing news on development and social issues of the Kathmandu Valley from July 7 coinciding with the 59th birthday of his Majesty King Gyanendra.
The ban on FM news is in place since Feb 1 when King Gyanendra assumed direct power. The ban has rendered over 1000 radio journalists jobless while FM operators and media organisations have been protesting against the government decision, describing it as an attempt to muzzle the independent media.