Govt launches vaccination drive against Japanese Encephalitis

July 8, 2006

The government has launched vaccination campaign against Japanese Encephalitis, which claims hundreds of lives in the Terai region every year.

With the vaccines purchased under the financial assistance of the World Bank, the Ministry of Health is launching the anti-Japanese Encephalitis campaign in 24 most affected districts including Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Dang and Rupandehi, according to the official news agency, RSS.

1,229 vaccination centers will be set up in Terai region, for which 276 vaccination workers and 3,700 volunteers will be mobilized, the Department of Health Services has said. Some 2 million people live in Tarai regions that are considered highly affected areas.

More than 3 million doses of anti-Japanese Encephalitis vaccines have been arranged for this year in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Japanese Encephalitis takes an epidemic shape in Terai areas with the onset of the rainy season. More than 1,000 to 3,000 persons get affected and 200-400 people die due to the disease every year.