Lalitpur, Jan. 3: His Majesty’s Government has in accordance with the Local Self-Governance Act-2055 B.S. approved the Local Self-Governance Regulations-2056 B.S. and Local Authority (Finance Administration) Regulations-2056 B.S.
According to a statement issued today by the Local Development Ministry, the approved Self-Governance Regulation-2056 B.S. includes provisions for classification of the local body, project formulation and implementation procedure, function, duty and rights of the local authority office-bearers.
Likewise, the regulation also includes a provision regarding the collection of vehicle tax under which the local bodies are authorized to collect such tax only along the roads which has been built by the local body or has been handed over to the local body and the amount collected should be used in renovation works on the particular road. But local bodies are not authorized to collect such tax on highways and sub-highways.
The regulation has, in order to strengthen economic resources of the local body, authorised the local body to collect land tax, entertainment tax, local collection and deposit tax, wealth tax, integrated deposit tax etc.
A clear provision has also been made for the establishment of subject-wise units in the DDCs which have the possibility of being declared a cultural town by His Majesty’s Government and the amount to be received by DDCs from revenue collected by the government.
Likewise, the Local Authority (Economic Administration) Regulation-2056 B.S. also includes a provision for the structures of records in the local body and initiation of a professional documentation system in the municipalities.
The regulations also authorizes the DDC to fix the wages for agriculture and other labourers in the district not less than the minimum rate fixed by the government.
His Majesty’s Government has also expressed confidence that the two regulations would have a positive role in the effective enforcement of the Local Self-Governance Act-2055 B.S.