July 18, 2006

Under The Shadow Of Instability
Keshab Poudel
At a time when shadow of political instability is hovering over the government and the House of Representatives, the government of seven party alliance unveils ambitious annual policies and programs targeting long-term objectives for development. As Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who has signed 8-point roadmap with the Maoists as a death knell to the HoR, is now hospitalized, nobody can predict the future political course. In this fragile situation, how the policies and programs announced by the government can work remains to be seen


Civil Society Group, which played a major role in the process of People’s Movement II, has already announced fresh round of street agitation, which will begin from 26 July with a demand for the dissolution of the House of Representatives (HoR) and formation of new interim government to hold the elections for Constituent Assembly.

MPs in the Parliament: How long is their tenure

MPs in the Parliament: How long is their tenure
An Interim Constitution Drafting Commission has already begun its work to draft an interim constitution in accordance with the agreement reached between leaders of seven parties and Maoists. The chairman of the commission has already said that the new interim constitution will have arrangements for new legislature.

The same persons of civil society who were instrumental to popularize the demand of restoration of House of Representatives are now demanding its dissolution. The same persons – who believe that by taking oath of changed words would clean their past image – too, have signed in a copy of their own death warrant.

“For many this is a puzzling situation how and why all these things have been taking place like a magic show, but after analyzing these things in depth one reaches the conclusion that there is a whole process of destabilization by invisible forces with a goal to achieve. The trend of destabilization is set long back – which is recurring time and again in a new form with changed slogans. This is just an old wine in new bottle. It had happened in 1979 and 1990 and now the same trend has been pushed forward vigorously,” said a political analyst.

As both these events are directed for the dissolution of the HoR, the announcement of annual policies and programs by the government with long-term implications have little meaning.

Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala from his bed in the intensive care unit of Sahid Gangalal Heart Hospital authorized the first deputy prime minister  K.P. Sharma Oli to read out the policies and programs of the government on 9 July, which among others, stresses the need to continue the HoR till alternative arrangement is made.

Previously, the present Constitution had set forth that the government program is read out by the King on the advice of the Council of Ministers. Under a declaration of the House of Representatives, this time, the seven party government believes that the constitution has changed, though the HoR has no power to do that except through due process of amendment.

“It is known to all that the HoR, which was reinstated after the historic People’s Movement (Janandolan), has made an important declaration to translate people’s expectations and commitments to total democracy into reality. The declaration has reaffirmed that the people are invincible power and that the Nepalese people are sovereign. Necessary legal arrangements will be made to implement the declaration of the House of Representatives,” said prime minister Koirala in his government’s annual program message.

“Though the HoR members claim to have the sovereign power of the people at present, they themselves seem to lack confidence in their own declaration. It is not out of high respect to the prime minister that they accepted what he declared along with Maoist leader Prachanda. Members of parliament have not yet dared to overcome that by any parliamentary command,” said the analyst.

Highlights of Policies and Programs

The eight-page long policies and programs include thirty-eight points program, among others, focusing on rural poverty to power, construction of road to economic reform and rural development programs as well as reconstruction of the damaged infrastructure. Besides, the main thrust of the policies and programs of the government for the fiscal year 2006-2007 is to prepare the interim constitution and hold the elections for Constituent Assembly.

The programs state that “sustainable peace will be established in the country in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Nepal by holding elections to a Constituent Assembly in a free and fair manner and in an atmosphere that is free of intimidation while implementing commitments to establishing peace, including the management of arms, in accordance with the various understandings and agreements reached between the government and the Maoists as well as the Seven Parties and the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist).”

The government also stresses the need of partnership and collaboration between and among the government, the people, and the private and non-governmental sectors in carrying out development activities. Priority will be given to the projects that increase rural employment and income level as well as projects meant for infrastructure building.

On the road development and transportation, the government has given special emphasis.  While the construction of the Trishuli-Syaphrubesi-Rasuwagadhi road, which links north and south borders, will be started this year, special arrangements will be initiated for the improvement of the standard of the postal highway and other subsidiary highways in terai.

Given the present state of lack of participation of women in the mainstream of national development owing to gender inequalities, priority will be given to women’s capacity development and empowerment programs, the programs state.

“ To meet the growing demand of Nepal for electricity and to remove the state of load shedding, implementation of some medium-scale hydro-electricity projects will be taken forward immediately. Emphasis will be laid as well on the development and expansion of solar energy, biogas, small scale hydropower and alternative energy technology.”

From education to financial sector reforms and special provisions for civil servants and poverty alleviations, the government policies and programs covers all areas. How this weak and unstable government will implement these ambitious programs remain to be seen.

Chaotic Situation

In a chaotic political situation of the country, different interest groups have different outlook about the law. The hearing for the petitions – which were filed in Supreme Court demanding the declaration of the exact position of the declarations of the HoR – has been postponed several times in the last two weeks. The delayed judicial process has prolonged the confusion of the real position of the constitution in the context of HoR declaration.

“It seems that by the time these petitions come for final disposal, the constitution might have been torn into pieces by another group of persons who are supposed to carry the real mandate of the people to prepare an interim constitution,” added the analyst.

The leaders have changed their roadmap one after another. Their original roadmap was to fill the vacuum of popular representation in the government as well as to reactivate the constitution fully but in their third roadmap after the restoration of HoR, the idea of interim constitution has come as a provision of the agreement of eight parties.

“MPs have, at least, started to learn from the situation around them that unseen forces are more powerful and coercive than the seen forces within the parliament and within the country,” the analyst added.

It is difficult to understand how a government, which even does not have possibility to be in power for three months, can assure the people by its three years policies and programs in peculiar situation of the country. It is not the logic but make-believe that works. People have to believe because the government asks them to believe.

Koirala’s Appeal

Everything is not going on smoothly as even the position of prime minister Koirala is uncertain. Nobody needs to wonder if Prime Minister Koirala is compelled to resign under headlines of populist newspapers. Just a day before the announcement of annual policies and program, Prime Minister Koirala appealed to the nation from his sick bed to have patience and tolerance. This is a natural wish from the position of power.

“The media person should not disseminate wrong ideas in the present context when the country is passing through a very difficult situation,” urged Koirala to media. “Let no wrong news about my health be disseminated. My health condition has improved a great deal compared to a day or two ago.” Expressing regrets over the dissemination of misleading news about health, the prime minister stated that he was compelled to speak out to refute such news.

“What he did as a leader of agitation in the past, there are other persons in the same position who don’t want to concede and allow him to enjoy peace and stability in the status quo of the power,” said the analyst. “The expectation of the power has always been peace and stability whereas aspirants for power have contrary interest. And therefore, the country is in now in a phase of turmoil and instability.”

Like Prime Minister Koirala, almost all members of the HoR have their own interest to fulfill and have their own ideas for peace and stability. “A large number of MPs have come out with their resolute opinion to continue the HoR so long as the elections for Constituent Assembly are not held. MPs want share in the power dislodging the present set of ministers but they don’t want to sacrifice the HoR where their interests lie,” said the analyst.

Along with other members, speaker Subash Chandra Nemwang, who enjoys maximum power and privilege equivalent to prime minister in accordance with declaration, is lobbying for longer life of the HoR. “There is no question to dissolve the HoR as long as the elections for CA is held,” said speaker Nemwang.

Destabilize Prime Minister

Prime minister Koirala, who was indispensable till a month ago for destabilization of political process, seems to be a liability now. Although some aspirants for prime ministership dismissed media report that the process is on to choose alternative to Koirala, there may be truths to those reports.

When the whole nation is wishing the good health of Prime Minister Koirala, CPN-UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal, who later refuted the charges of dislodging prime minister, as a leader of the largest party in the HoR has revealed his impatience to replace Prime Minister Koirala by implied terms. “The government is ineffective and inefficient. If it is necessary, the leadership should be changed,” said Nepal .

“Many times in past, CPN-UML general secretary Nepal had chance to become  prime minister but his moves were thwarted by the counter-moves orchestrated from elsewhere, which plays the role of real king-maker,” said the analyst. “Some believe that if Nepal will be appointed as a prime minister that will be for a very short period but for a very unpopular and unholy task.”

Whatever the forms of government and constitutional process, the moves towards destabilization continue. “The country has been destabilized in a very intensive and extensive scale not for nothing. Roadmaps are changing one after another from the very beginning. Reviewing records of past few months, one can see the uncertain and unpredictable course. Initially, the agitation of seven parties was declared just for four days but it continued for an indefinite period till the decisive showdown was complete,” added the analyst.

In the context of changing roadmaps, one cannot rule out the possibility to see the new prime minister to carry out new roadmaps. Prime Minister Koirala, who has seen all kinds of political development in the last six decades, might be hunted by some hidden moves.

Prime Minister Koirala was part of the political game which took two major political decisions. “The HoR declared itself a body to exercise sovereign power on behalf of the people but its leaders, in a dark room meeting at prime minister’s residence agreed for its premature death. Elsewhere in a constitutional monarchy, the King is supposed to sign a death warrant. But it was reverse in Nepal where, in practical terms, leaders of the parliament have signed their own death warrant, which may come into execution soon after the interim constitution is announced.”

Interim Constitution

No one is sure what type of interim constitution will come out in future. “Some vocal lawyers have harsh criticism against the present draftsmen. They may not know from where the final text of the draft may come. This kind of fear, distrust and lack of faith is growing day by day which is a sign of unstable society. The more the political instability continues the more there will be lack of self confidence,” said the analyst.

“The head of commission Laxman Prasad Aryal, with his colorful bio-data including a lawyer as well as judge in the past, has boasted that the present constitution was best in the South Asia and now he is writing another best constitution in the world. A very cruel joke is being cut at the cost of genuine aspiration of the people as well as the tax money of the poorest people of the world,” said the analyst. “One is reminded by T. S Eliot “Whether the King rules or barons rule, the fate of the people remains the same.”

The Magna Carta was a concession from the King procured by feudal barons of 13th century England. Nepal, in this 21st century, has its own barons now competing against each other for the political superiority.

“But there is no one in the leadership who seem to be above all these petty interests. What the nation lacks at present is a politician of a patriotic and democratic commitment with a long term vision. Nobody can differ with Prime Minister Koirala that the country is in a very difficult phase at present. The process of instability which has been unleashed under his leadership as a commander of agitation- has now caused him to become alarmingly worried,” said the analyst. “Prime Minister Koirala’s concerns for stability might be misunderstood by his competitors as a self-seeking claim. The credibility of political statement has gone so low in the country. After his statement before his armed adversary, next day a leader of his alliance party has come out with a proposal to find an alternative for him.”

Stability For All

Although all the forces internal and external want political stability in Nepal, the country’s institutions the Monarchy, Army, liberal democratic forces –which have proven record to guarantee the stability in Nepal – are weakened or destroyed one after another.

Now the stability in Nepal is not only the concern of Nepal’s own prime minister but others also. Few days back, as an emissary of Indian prime minister, CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechuri also expressed his opinion for stability which may not have the exact priority in the country. Koirala’s motivation must have been to consolidate and regain the power through popularly held elections

As a neighbor, India has an interest of present stability of Nepal having its own favorable strategic situation. If it was only limited to relations between the two countries, it would not have caused much concern to others. But, if it is a strategic gain of one country in Nepal, it will definitely invite actions and reactions from other forces too. Till now spokespersons of western countries have come out with their announcement to maximum permissible diplomatic limit. Last Friday, outgoing British Ambassador Keith Bloomfield – in his television interview with Vijaya Kumar Pandey – touched the hearts and minds of upright and reasonable persons in Nepal. “As we all estimated, Bloomfield stood as a sincere friend of Nepal who had, unfortunately, to speak bitter truth, which he regrettably admitted in his interview,” said the analyst.

” The USA and the UK – which do not have any strategic interests in Nepal – don’t count much in crucial issues of Nepal. “It is a hard fact of Nepal that Nepal has remained a yam between two boulders as described by Prithivi Naryan Shah the great King, who unified modern Nepal and whose statue currently lies defaced in front of main government secretariat. The statue was partly damaged during the last uprising. It can be understood well who targeted the statue of emotional integration and it has come out as a bad omen of coming days of Nepal as a sovereign, independent and integrated nation,” said the analyst. “The damage to statue has hurt the silent majority for whom this was a mere symbol for a hard earned integration that was valuably preserved.”

At a time when future of prime minister is lurking under uncertainty and the life of HoR is uncertain, the country does not have the requisite stability required to implement this kind of program.

Courtesy Spotlight

(Editor’s Note: Nepalis, wherever they live, as well as friends of Nepal around the globe are requested to contribute their views/opinions/recollections etc. on issues concerning present day Nepal to the Guest Column of Nepalnews. Length of the article should not be more than 1,000 words and may be edited for the purpose of clarity and space. Relevant photos as well as photo of the author may also be sent along with the article. Please send your write-ups to [email protected])