Government to issue ‘Public Procurement Ordinance’

January 18, 2006

The government is mulling to bring out a ‘Public Procurement Ordinance’ as a single guideline for all public institutions in purchasing goods, services and carrying out works.

The ordinance would be a guideline for all projects whether government run or run with donor support.

“As different donors have different guidelines for public procurement, a confusion in carrying out works has always been there, so the ordinance will solve this problem,” The Rising Nepal quoted Financial Comptroller General Sushil Sharma Dhungel as saying.

The ordinance would make the decision and evaluation process more transparent as the government offices will need to inform the bidders about the reasons why their bids were rejected and all bidding parties should be informed how much marks they got on which area, as per the ordinance.

The ordinance has provision for blacklisting the firm, which fails to accomplish jobs as promised for maximum five years, barring the firm from participating in any bidding process.

Another provision on blacklisting is that only the Public Procurement Monitoring Office (PPMO) to be constituted under this ordinance can blacklist any firm.

The PPMO will have to seek clarification from the concerned contractor before blacklisting as per the proposed ordinance.

The ordinance has also provisioned that a single tender could also be accepted if that had been applied under the parameter of legal framework. The existing Act has provisioned at least two bidders for the approval.