The government has dispatched mobile teams in villages across the nation to issue citizenship certificates.
The government has mobilised 520 mobile teams to distribute citizenship certificates in all 75 districts of the country apart from the secretaries of the village development committees.
A total of 8,000 civil servants have been mobilised for the purpose.
The mobile teams will distribute certificates on the basis of descent, birth and residence. Certificates will also be issued on the basis of the citizenship of the mother, as per the recently adopted Citizenship Act 2006.
As per the Nepal Citizenship Certificates Distribution Directives 2006, issued by the Home Ministry, all those eligible for a citizenship certificate must contact the mobile teams in their respective VDCs or municipality along with their photographs.
The Home Ministry had sent 1.7million new citizenship cards and it is in the process of printing 1.3 million more citizenship certificates.
Nearly three million people across the country, who were earlier deprived from citizenship certificate due to various reasons, will receive citizenship certificates this time.
The new card includes the names and citizenship numbers of both the father and mother and will also give the names of the spouse among other things. The new citizenship certificate, apart from new emblem of the Nepal government, will have the mother’s name.
The government has approved a total budget of Rs. 130 million for the citizenship distribution.
The Ministry of Health has arranged to provide life insurance cover of one million rupees each for three months to civil servants going to the field to distributed citizenship.