Kathmandu: Albeit the government claims that their existence remains intact in the country. However, the people consider it just the otherwise.
The fact is that the people could not feel the existence of the government at time of the Royal massacre of June 1 last month and perhaps many will agree that the existence of the government, if any, is confined to radio and the television broadcast which in essence is of no practical use to the general population.
The Prime Minister said he was lately informed of the June 1 sad event and hence he could do nothing. In effect he could have done “‘some thing” had he been responsible for his duties towards the nation. However, he took the whole affair lightly and dumped all the lacunae onto the Royal Palace.
The presence of the government people could not notice for two weeks at least.
All of a sudden, a beaming home minister informs the “foren” media instantly after the June 1 ghastly event at the Royal Palace that Crown Prince Dipendra was the “‘killer”.
This he said without substantiating the news and the “foren’ media created havoc out of that small piece of news supplied by minister Poudel.
Later Poudel corrected his version for unknown reasons.
Later comes the report compiled by the Committee led by nation’s Chief Justice on the Royal massacre of June 1 and one senior and most honored member of the CJ committee presents the entire report in a most ugly and hated manner that was condemned by all and sundry within and without.
He however, did not apologize. The people were left with no options other than to gulp the incredible manner the report of such a grave nature was presented.
Add to this the saying of the Army Chief Prazzwal Rana that the preservation of the internal security systems inside the Palace was not the job of the Nepal Army. Surprising indeed.
The corruption investigating authority, the CIAA, subtly implicated the nation’s Premier in the Lauda scandal, the chief of the nation’s executive took it very lightly and instead of resigning on moral grounds preferred to form a committee to harass the person who warned the office of the prime minister to remain alert while finalizing deals of the sorts of the Lauda.
The democratic government, as we have been told it was, pushes twice the Armed Police Force bill through the back door using the Royal Ordinance in order the tame a powerful force with guns and bullets instead of the use of the “dialogues”.
HR activists and democratic minded-peace loving people wish the government facilitate the Maoists to come to the negotiation table before it is too late, the government instead prefers to irritate them but remains unable to contain their threats which is definitely on the constant increase.
The government instead of taking general lay men into confidence and steering the country to new heights imposes on them instead stringent regulations aimed at curtailing the rights guaranteed the constitution. The people retaliate, the government thinks that the lay men favor the Maoists. This is not in essence. People wish to live a secured life but with all the rights and privileges remaining intact.
In the process, the media sector is almost terrorized resulting in the institutionalization of an unprecedented unity in and among all the nation’s journalists who stand all now against the security regulations. Here again the government bags loss indirectly.
Summing up, if this were the manner the country is supposed to run and that too by the present easy-going and irresponsible leaders, including the men in the opposition, then the results could definitely be chaotic. Such state in the nation will definitely encourage the forces inimical to the present establishment.
It is time that the Nepali leaders come to their senses and regain the confidence of the people whom it has so far neglected for known and unknown reasons.