The government has implemented the new Labour and Employment Policy from Wednesday.
The policy highlighted the importance of generation of employment and self-employment opportunities through development of multi-skilled human resources, according to reports.
Among others, the policy has also incorporated strategies that could increase access of women, dalits, indigenous groups and displaced people to employment, eradicate child labor and make labor administration more efficient and effective.
Speaking at a programme organized to make public the policy, Minister of State for Labour and Transport Management Rabindra Khanal said that the Policy was prepared with the concept of flexible and dignified work, international labour standards and in synchrony with the wider objectives of economic and social development, and as per the changed context.
The policy stressed on the importance of maintaining a national website for timely dissemination of information on job opportunities.
The policy also emphasized the need for practical implementation of the concept of decent work through establishment of sound industrial relationship between employers and employees in both formal and informal sectors.
It has further stressed the importance of formulating and implementing necessary laws and by-laws to protect rights of workers employed in informal sector. It has promoted tripartite and bipartite social dialogue as a means to enhance industrial relations and settle disputes.
Furthermore, formulation of necessary legal provisions to promote the concept of collective bargaining has also been emphasized.