Government arrears cross Rs. 28 billion: Auditor General

June 29, 2006

The report of the Auditor General has revealed that government arrears soared to 28.52 billion at the end of the fiscal year 2004/05.

Speaking at a programme in the capital on Wednesday, Auditor General Gehendra Nath Adhikari has informed that arrears have been swelling in the recent years due to growing loss incurred by state enterprises and in absence of accountable government.

“Of all the government bodies that owe money to the government, five ministries, i.e. Finance, Physical Planning and Works, Water Resources, Education and Sports and Local Development, top the list,” Adhikari added.

The Ministry of Finance alone owes Rs. 7.16 billion to the government. Similarly, ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Education and Sports and Ministry of Local Development owe Rs. 3.51 billion, Rs. 2.69 billion, Rs. 2.53 billion and Rs. 2.37 billion respectively.

The Auditor General also informed that annual reports of his office, which could not be publicized in absence of the parliament, would be shortly tabled in the House of Representatives.

Arrears for the current fiscal year has reached seven billion 240 million rupees, he informed.

He also revealed that the amount disbursed by the ministries and through the cabinet decisions to the royal palace was yet to be traced.

The Auditor General further informed that the country’s foreign debt has now crossed Rs 324 billion which works out to the tune of Rs 13,000 per head.