‘Give priority to needy people’

June 23, 2000

Bhaktapur, June 23 (RSS): A strategic and periodic project formulation workshop seminar organised by the district development committee (DDC), Bhaktapur in cooperation with the association of District Development Committees (DDC)-Nepal and the participatory district development programme (PDDP) began here recently.

Inaugurating the five-day seminar, DDC chairman Govinda Duwal underlined the need for giving priority to pressing needs of the local people while formulating projects and programmes.

He also expressed the hope that the seminar would suggest concrete guidelines for the long-term development of the district.

DDC Vice-Chairman Ramesh Shrestha said that the outcome of the seminar should reach the people. He said the projects to be formulated at the seminar with the participation of experts from the related sectors would play an important role in the overall development of the district.

Chief district officer Dhruba Raj Wagley opined that project formulation should take note of the pressing needs of the local people.

At the programme presided over by DDC chairman Duwal, DDC members Som Mishra and Basudev Thapa and programme officer Madan Bista also shed light on the objectives and the significance of the seminar.

DDC office-bearers, chiefs of various development-related offices of the district and representatives of political parties are attending the seminar.