Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
I have the pleasure of informing you that the government of Nepal has taken a decisive step to consolidate achievement of the successful people’s movement that restored democracy and made the people of Nepal supreme and sovereign once and for all. This has set in motion Nepal’s determination for real and lasting peace based on the national unity and reconciliation and move towards stability by strengthening and institutionalizing the democratic process in the country.
On June 16, 2006, the Seven Party Alliance and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) concluded an eight-point agreement covering steps that are needed to create conducive environment to elect a Constituent Assembly to ensure permanent peace in the society. Earlier, on May 26, the government reached an agreement with the CPN (Maoist) on the 25-point code of conduct to be observed during the ceasefire between two sides.
In view of the firm commitment of the United Nations to promote sustainable peace and security, economic and social development and human rights around the world on the basis of fundamental principles of respect for sovereignty of nations, mutual cooperation and peaceful resolution of conflict, the government of Nepal decides to request the United Nations for the following:
1. Continue monitoring of Human Rights through the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal.
2. Assist to monitor the code of conduct during the ceasefire.
3. Assist in the monitoring of the combatants of the Maoist and decommissioning of their arms in order to ensure a free and fair election to the Constituent Assembly.
4. Monitor to assure that Nepali Army is inside barrack and is not being used for or against any side in order to ensure free and fair elections to the Constituent Assembly.
5. Observe the election process to the Constituent Assembly.
As we plan to hold the election of the Constituent Assembly by end of current Nepali year (mid-April 2007), I will be grateful if you could start extending the necessary support of the United Nations on the above mentioned issues at your earlier convenience.
I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere appreciation and gratitude of the government of Nepal to the United Nations and to you personally for the consistent support for a democratic process and continued interest in the peace-building in Nepal. Please accept Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.
Girija Prasad Koirala
Prime Minister
H. E. Kofi Annan
The United Nations
New York