Foreign aid will come under audit system: Acharya

June 29, 2000

Kathmandu, June 29: The government is to bring all foreign assistance under the central audit system and is thinking in terms of holding discussions with donor agencies in this connection.

Finance Minister Mahesh Acharya, answering questions raised by MPs during question answer time at the House of Representatives today, said policy formulation concerning foreign assistance is in its final stages and the policy will soon be made public.

According to Mr Acharya, a calender will be formulated for organising budget releases, authority will be streamlined and the program formulation process made effecitve.

Similarly, the government has brought forward many policy level provisions for stemming revenue leakages, and chief among these are administrative follow up, proper management of customs points, streamlining of the revenue administration and and changes in the legal structures.

Under the Ninth Plan l30 corporations are to be brought under the privatisation process, it is also made clear. In this connection, corporations that the private sector can handle more efficiently and competitively will be handed over and as for the others, the management will be consolidated.

Questions were put to the Finance Minister by Gokarna Raj Bista, Gorakh Bahadur Bogati, Birod Khatiwada and Om Prasad Ojha.