Five proposals presented for garbage mgmt

July 12, 2000

Kathmandu, July 12: Five companies that had registered their proposals in response to the call made for proposals from the private sector for the management of garbage of Kathmandu Valley presented their proposals at the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry(FNCCI) secretariat in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Development Ram Chandra Poudel.

The call had been made by the Garbage Management and Resources Mobilisation Centre of the Ministry of Local Development with an objective of maintaining the environmental purity by managing the garbage of the Kathmandu Valley in a orderly and scientific manner.

At the programme, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Development Poudel said the capable company will be given the responsibility in accordance with the impartial evaluation of the companies.

Such programmes will also be implemented in other cities if it is proved successful in Kathmandu, Mr Poudel said, adding there is a need to work for purifying the environment of Kathmandu Valley on war footing as early as possible.

Earlier, welcoming the participants FNCCI president Pradip Kumar Shrestha said the government and the private sector should move ahead by joining hands for the resolution of the garbage disposal problem in Kathmandu Valley.