The export of Nepalese carpets, one of the major foreign currency earners, has increased in terms of exported quantity and price in the month of Bhadra (mid August to September) as compared to the same period of the last year.
According to the statistics of the Carpet and Wool Development Committee (CWDC), the export of carpets grew by 2.15 percent while the price increased by 4.63 percent this year as compared to the same period the previous year.
A total of 159,359 square meters of carpet was exported to Europe and America during the period while it was 156,013 square meters last year.
Likewise the amount increased to USD 8,445,311 up from USD 8,071,783 compared to the two periods.
Nepal Samacharpatra daily quoted executive director of the CWDC Gehendra Bahadur Bajracharya as saying that the export could further rise in the future as the season of export of carpets started recently.
He informed that the rise was due to the rise in the export of high quality carpet to America and Canada.