Experts to discuss disaster preparedness and natural hazards

August 7, 2006

Natural hazards experts of governmental, non-governmental and community-based and private organisations from Bangladesh , India , Nepal and Pakistan will meet in Kathmandu from August 7 to 9 to discuss the status of disaster prepared­ness plans in these four countries.

According to a press release issued by the organiser International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) on Monday, attempts will be made to identify gaps and shortcomings in policies and imple­mentation of disaster preparedness plans and develop a forum for sharing experiences, exchanging information, and holding discussions related to drafting disaster prepared­ness plans.

Poor communities, especially in the mountain areas of the region, are most vulnerable to natural disasters and unprepared to cope with them. Expanding urbanisation, increasing settlement in high risk environments, and growing poverty increase these risks without increasing the preparedness of these communities to deal with natural disasters, the organisation said.

Recent experiences from the South Asian tsunami and the Pakistani earthquake in 2005 are some of the instances of vulnerability and lack of preparedness for disasters in the region.

It is supported by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (DG ECHO).