EU only ” regrets ” violence

November 27, 2001

The heads of mission of the European Union in Kathmandu “regretted” the escalation of Maoist violence as the United States firmly condemned the Maoists attacks.

“It is with very deep regret that the EU heads of mission have observed the major violent attacks against the government of Nepal and its security officials as well as against infrastructural targets, on a carefully planned and systematic basis across  various parts of Nepal since 23 November,” the statement said.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan Monday said he was deeply concerned with the flare-up in Nepal and regretted the breakdown of talks between the government and rebels to negotiate a peace. Annan “regrets that the insurgents abandoned peace talks with the government that started last
August,” his spokesman Fred Eckhard said in New York.

“Talks could resume only after Maoists return arms and ammunition looted from army barracks and police and shun the path of violence,” Home Minister Khum Bahadur Khadka said.

Nepal has asked the government of West Bengal  to curb the activities of Maoists in the Indian state, Press Trust of India said.