His Royal Highness Crown Prince Paras has said that efforts towards finding a peaceful solution to the current crisis facing the country through dialogue are afoot.
In his address at the rhino presentation ceremony in Vienna, Austria, the Crown Prince on Wednesday said too many of our people live in poverty; far too many suffer from inadequate health care, education opportunities and access to basic public services. This has had adverse socio-economic ramifications.
“Sadly, this sorry state has resulted in Nepal being plagued by insurgency, over the past few years, resulting in the loss of thousands of precious human lives and the destruction of infrastructure erected with huge investments. As a result, our development efforts in all spheres, including conservation, have been badly disrupted. Efforts towards finding a peaceful solution through dialogue are afoot,” crown Prince added.
Crown Prince Paras also conveyed the greetings and good wishes of King Gyanendra to Austrian President Heinz Fischer, as well as to the government and people of Austria.
“The people of the Kingdom of Nepal harbour a deep sense of amity and friendship towards Austria and her people and we are appreciative of the cooperation we have received from Austria over the years,” the crown prince said. “With Austria hosting the Presidency of the European Union, we are confident that it will further deepen cooperation and understanding between the European Union and Nepal.”
Crown Prince Paras, who chairs the King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation (KMTNC), said, “The Crown Princess and I feel honoured to have the opportunity to participate in this hand over ceremony of a pair of rhinoceros from Nepal to the Vienna Zoo as a token of friendship from our Sovereign His Majesty King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev on behalf of the people of Nepal to the people of Austria. This ceremony also symbolises the warm friendship and goodwill that exists between our two peoples.”
“We have no doubt that these two beautiful rhinos have found a comfortable, safe and friendly home away from home here in Vienna, thanks to the sincere support and tireless efforts of friends of Nepal in Austria,” the Crown Prince added.
Foreign Minister Ramesh Nath Pandey handed over the two rhinos to the Vienna zoo on Wednesday.