EC approves three projects worth 1.898 million Euros

January 29, 2006

The European Commission has approved three projects worth € 1.898 million for Nepal under “NGO co-financing” scheme.

A press release issued by the EC on Friday said the contributions are provided through the global EC budget line “NGO co-financing” and intend to strengthen partnerships and learning between European NGOs and civil society organisations in Nepal.

The three projects that will be implemented in Nepal are:

Saamarthya; Sustainable Development of Disadvantaged Ethnic Communities in Nepal. The project activities will benefit ethnic communities in the Eastern and Central Development Regions.

The project will be implemented jointly by ActionAid UK and three Nepalese NGOs: ActionAid Nepal, Federation of Indigenous Nationalities and Sahakarya–NGO/CBO Participatory Learning and Advisory Project.

The second project is improving livelihood security of socially excluded communities in Nepal. Communities in Western, Mid-Western and Far-Western Development Regions will benefit from the project.

Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development (LI-BIRD) and Dalit Welfare Organisation (DWO) will implement the project.

The third project ‘Dalit Empowerment Programme”, will benefit Dalits of Far Western, Mid Western and Central Development Regions.

DanChurchAid and four Nepalese NGOs: LWF Nepal, Feminist Dalit Organisation, Dalit Welfare Organisation and Nepal National Depressed Social Welfare Organisation will jointly implement the project.

“I would like to stress that this kind of cooperation is part of the European Union’s commitment to combating poverty, promoting Rule of Law, and respecting fundamental freedoms. We are here to emphasise these aspects of our philosophy and presence in Nepal”, the release quoted Eduardo Lechuga-Jimenez, Acting Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Nepal as saying.