EC AIDCO Director Muller wraps up Nepal visit

June 23, 2006

Director for Asia of the EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO) of the European Commission Erich W. Muller.
(Photo source :

Erich W. Muller, Director for Asia, EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO) of the European Commission (EC), has wrapped up his visit to Kathmandu.

Muller, who arrived in Kathmandu on June 21, ended his three-day visit Friday. During his stay, he met with Finance Minister Dr Ram Sharan Mahat, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs civil society leaders, officials of the EU member states and other the international community including the United Nations and the World Bank, mainly discussing about the peace-building efforts and relief programs to conflict-affected people.

A press statement issued by the EC office in Kathmandu at the end of his visit today said the purpose of Muller’s mission was to assess the needs and identify areas where the European Commission can mobilise assistance quickly in order to provide immediate relief for people who have been seriously affected by the conflict.

“The discussions have included very practical aspects of implementation modalities to ensure that the assistance provided by the European Commission contribute to peace and democracy in Nepal. Mr. Muller has been pleased with the outcome of this mission as it is seen as being very helpful,” the EC statement said. He will convey the messages he received during his mission to Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations of the EC, according to the statement.

The EC has said encouraging progress has been made within a short period of that has allowed to immediately re-activate EC projects that were put on hold in 2005 e.g. the 15 M€ ((NRS 1397 million) Renewable Energy Project and projects to support trade facilitation and the private sector with a total value of 4 M€ (NRS 373 million).

Nepal is one of 118 countries where the European Commission (EC) has delegations that work in parallel and in close co-ordination with the EU member states.

The ongoing development programmes of the European Commission in Nepal range from bilateral co-operation, NGO and civil society support over conflict mitigation packages, the EIDHR and several Asia-wide programmes to substantial support to UN operations in the field of human rights (OHCHR), refugees (UNHCR, WFP) and reproductive health. Similarly, the EC Office for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) has been supporting mobile health clinics, special child protection, food interventions and water/sanitation improvements in conflict affected areas.