Dolpa hit by flight cancellation

July 12, 2000

Dolpa, July 12: Cancellation of the Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation (RNAC)’s regular Nepalgunj-Dolpa flights for the last two weeks has caused great inconveniences to the local people while the local newspaper stands are forced to close due to the non-availability of newspapers.

Although RNAC announced five flights a week to Dolpa from July 2, not a single flight has been operated since then.

Passengers who have taken airplane tickets to Dolpa have been stranded in Nepalgunj. Similarly newspapers destined for Dolpa are also lying in Nepalgunj.

When contacted about the cancellation of flights for a long time now, RNAC regional manager in Nepalgunj Nageshwar Raya said the flights have not been able to take place due to bad weather conditions.

When his attention was drawn towards other private airlines companies resuming their flights, Mr Raya said the private airlines resume flights even in adverse weather condition since they are driven by business motive.

But since the RNAC was concerned with the safety of the passengers more than anything else, it would resume flights only after the weather improves, he added.

But the local people say RNAC has been canceling its flights unnecessarily even when weather conditions are good. They even suspect the RNAC employees have accepted some commission from the private sector airlines by stalling RNAC flights.

Technicians of the Nepal Telecommunications Corporation who were due to arrive here last week for repair of some telecommunication equipment have not been able to get a flight here due to the cancellation of flights by RNAC.

Similarly, employees at the district sports development office have not been able to draw their salary since the bank draft sent from Kathmandu has not reached to the district.