Kathmandu: Different brains, different views.
Look at these views.
The enunciator of the first view is none less than Sher Bahadur Deuba, the former prime minister of the country who was billed as “incompetent” prime minister.
He says when the King can’s listen to his one point agenda and that being the restoration of his sacked government then how come the King can listen to the eighteen point agenda of the five agitating parties and those of the Maoists?
In other words, Deuba believes that the King will not yield to any of the demands put forth by the political parties, the Maoists and his one itself.
Look at the other view that emanates from yet another enlightened brain of Madhav Nepal.
Mr. Nepal says how could a King who doesn’t accept the established norms of a democratic system would accede to the demands of the Maoists who more or less wish the King to step down to the role of a Prime Minister or for that matter the president?
The third view emerges from an all powerful but destructive political brain. He is President Koirala who believes that it is the Royal Palace that has remained instrumental in damaging the popularity of the system and that it is the Palace which has been the real source of all the troubles that have cropped into the system specially after the advent of this new order.
However, Koirala forgets to tell the population his own share or for that matter the contributions that he has made in destroying the beauties of a system that is considered to be one of the best systems among the crowd of the worst.
Similarly, Madhav Nepal too forgets that his leadership allowed the Mahakali treaty to go into the folds of India and he wishes to divert the attention of the population on how he managed the smooth ratification of the Mahakali treaty in the parliament and concurrently he wishes to dump the fact that it was the forced ratification of the same treaty in the parliament that brought a vertical split in the mainstream UML then.
Can the UML leaders face the public and declare that while the treaty was being ratified, they weren’t influenced by certain foreign powers?
Informed citizenry ask the status of the same Mahakali treaty? Where is the treaty that were to bring in White Dollars into the country? Where have the dollars gone? Who ate up the dollars? What is the status of the DPR of the Mahakali treaty? Questions galore remain which the then prime minister Deuba, the men in the opposition including the RPP must answer if they are really nationalist.
Dumping all the failure onto the heads of the others is an easy task. However, to accept the weaknesses exhibited by one self is an entirely different job.
The political parties have definitely committed blunders and have ruined the nation. They can’t escape. The fact is also that the monarch also is to be blamed for having been not able to tame the errant leaders while they were committing crimes against the State.
Whether the 1990 constitution continues in place after the negotiations with the rebels, or the rebels force the establishment to draft an altogether a new constitution, the people at large would very much wish to have a powerful body at the center, could be a monarch also, who could be able to tame the leaders going astray.