Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Daman Nath Dhungana urged the reinstated House to go for unconditional election to the constituent assembly, which would draft a new constitution and decide a place for the King.
Speaking at an interaction in the capital on Wednesday, Dhungana, one of the drafters of the 1990 constitution said, “The time has come that the people get the right to decide a place for the King as kings have been deciding the rights of the people so far,” adding, “The constituent assembly would fix the rights of the people and the place for the King.”
Speaking at the same programme, member of the reinstated House of Representatives (HoR), Subhas Nembang, asked officials who were appointed by the King during his direct rule and who had curbed the rights of the people to quit before Parliament initiates action against them.
President of the Nepal Bar Association, Shambhu Thapa, said nobody should excuse a leader who involves himself in corruption and irregularities. “If we find any leader involved in any scandal, we will demand action against him even without giving him a chance,” he added.
Senior advocates Basudev Dhungana and Bishwa Kanta Mainali urged the Parliament to focus on bringing the Maoists to the mainstream according to the roadmap of the seven-party alliance and the agreement reached with the rebels. pb Apr 27 06