Demonstration in US for restoration of democracy in Nepal

January 30, 2006

Hundreds of Nepalis participated in a protest rally at Lafayette Park in front of The White House on Sunday afternoon to protest against the February 1 royal takeover of last year.

Participants carried banners and placards with slogans calling for early restoration of democracy in Nepal and restoration of peace ending the decade long insurgency that had claimed over 13,000 innocent lives in Nepal.

The release quoted T Kumar, Advocacy Director for Asia and Pacific for Amnesty International, USA as saying that King Gyanendra used military force to kill, silence and violate the human rights of his own people when he should have been taking care of them like a father figure.

He further said that Amnesty’s next goal is to pressure the US government to stop all forms of military training and exercises with the Royal Nepalese Army that are being conducted secretly.

The DC rally organizers also vowed to continue with their protests until King Gyanendra restored democracy in the country.

The organizers said they are currently discussing a ‘1,000 Men March’ against King Gyanendra’s royal move’ from the Capitol Hill to the White House in early summer this year.