CSPD appeals for immediate ceasefire

March 27, 2006

The Civil Society for Peace and Democracy (CSPD) has urged the government and Maoist rebels to declare ceasefire immediately and begin the peace process.

During a press meet in the capital on Sunday, president of the society Dr Sundar Mani Dixit welcomed the agreement reached between the seven-party alliance and the Maoists and said he hoped the understanding would help bring the rebels into the political mainstream peacefully.

However, Dixit criticised the parties for failing to release a common statement.

CSPD has asked both the rebels and the alliance to adopt a common slogan for election to the constituent assembly to make the movement for restoration of democracy successful.

CSPD said it was concerned about the government’s intention of derailing press freedom through the promulgation of media ordinance and extended its hands to the movement launched by media professionals for press freedom and freedom of expression.

President Dixit claimed that the king was observing the situation and hearing the civil society out, but not taking any decisive move.

CSPD also expressed its concern over the status of the disappeared people and has asked the government to publicise their whereabouts without delay.