Convention to embolden desire for leadership change of NC: Koirala

January 17, 2001

Pokhara, Jan. 17: President of the Nepali Congress and Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala has reiterated that the forthcoming General Convention of the Nepali Congress would open doors for the change of hands of the party’s leadership.

Talking to the press upon his arrival at the Pokhara airport, Koirala said, “An event like General Convention is nothing new to a political party, but this convention will pave way for the transfer power to the party’s second generation leadership.”

Although he did not elaborate the time frame for such a transfer, he said the sooner the path is ready the faster the transfer would be. The Prime Minister had arrived in Pokhara this afternoon.

Minutes before Koirala’s arrival, Party leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai and former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba had arrived together.

Deuba, who would also be standing for the party’s presidency, said if elected (as the party’s president) he would extend every possible support to the present government.

Bhattarai said he would support Deuba’s candidacy for the party president. He also said that he had advised Koirala to hand over the rein of the party to the second generation. “Time has come for both me and Koirala to remain out of the party’s leadership.”

Meanwhile, Pokhara, the venue, is witnessing hectic activities for the convention. Organisers at the party’s district office are busy making finishing touches and last minute adjustments for the party’s biggest congregation held every four years.

Several thousand Congressites, which include ministers, MPs, party’s bigwigs and workers and others are attending the meet that will formally open on Friday.

The convention will be formally inaugurated at the Pokhara stadium on Friday. The venue has been adorned with the party colour and the party’s four-star flags. The main thoroughfares of the town are also covered with party’s posters, flags and pamphlets.

The closed session of the convention will be held at the Dipendra Sabha Griha.

However, before the convention, the party’s central working committee will meet on Thursday and many congressmen expect it to be a hotly debated affair.

At a press meet today, NC’s Shailaja Acharya said she would put proposal on revising the CWC’s decision of electing 50 per cent of the CWC members through an open and nationwide voting.

She said several other leaders like Bhim Bahadur Tamang, Taranath Ranabhat also fear the open election could bring rift within the party and also sideline the party’s old and experienced workers. She said she has also talked to both the senior leaders of the party about this.

But other Congress leaders refute Shailaja Acharya’s fear.

Even Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koairala said the new structure of the CWC and the open voting will not affect the party adversely.

“This is only a suspicion of some, which will not come true in any way,” said Koirala.

Deuba also said the new provision of electing 50 per cent of the party’s CWC members would not affect the solidarity within the party. He said the decision has been made and he wants it to be implemented. He also said he would be disclosing his agenda and rationale for fighting for the party presidency tomorrow.

Likewise, Minister for Finance and Defence Mahesh Acharya, who is also a member of the CWC, party’s General Secretary Sushil Koirala and also party spokesman Narahari Acharya expressed similar views. Minister Acharya said the new provision is an evolutionary and a positive step and that he would stand by it.

Party spokesman, Narahari Acharya said the decision will come into affect after the General Convention of the party endorses the CWC decision.

Meanwhile, rumours are rife about the election being fought on panel basis. But Prime Minister Koirala said time has not yet come for the party to fight the election on panel basis.

Deuba also said he has not thought about making his panel.

Despite the likes of Shailaja saying the election would be fought with covert panels with money and enticement predominating, Minister Acharya said the Congressmen are mature enough not to indulge in panels and money game.

On the first day in its closed session on Saturday, the General Convention is expected to approve the decisions made by the last CWC meeting regarding the expansion and the election of its members. The filling of the nomination will pen the next day.

Today, Sushil Koirala and Mahesh Acharya also said they would be standing for the party’s highest decision making body. Narahari Acharya, the party’s spokesman also said he would stand for the CWC saying this would put his years of service to the party to test.

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister has already announced his candidacy for the CWC.