Saying that the Kulekhani II power-plant needed complete overhauling, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is set to make consumers face 46 hours of load-shedding a week from Friday. According to NEA, consumers would now have to face 8 hours of power cuts for three days a week and 7 1/2 hours of power cuts for the next three.
Till Thursday, consumers had been facing 36 hours of load-shedding six days of a week in 4 different times with 3 hours of powers cuts two times a day.
NEA officials say they were forced to increase load-shedding hours after Kulekhani II stopped supplying 3 hundred thousand units of electricity from Friday following the start of repair works there.
According to NEA, consumers would have to face 3 1/2 hours of load-shedding in the evening and 4 hours during the day. Like before consumers won’t have to face any power cuts one day a week.
NEA has said that it may take at least two weeks for it to fix the turbine of Kulekhani II that has been in need of repairs since 10 months ago. ag Feb 01 08