Conflict of the country affects security situation of refugee camps: JAM

June 15, 2006

A Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) by World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has said that the security situation in and around the refugee camps of eastern Nepal is affected by the conflict in Nepal.

The JAM, that took place from May 29-June 9, 2006, said, “Lack of police presence in most of the camps is a major concern.”

Stating that most of the information gathered in 1992-1993 at the time of arrival has not been checked or updated with important additional details and the development over these years, the JAM said, “Without such census, UNHCR and WFP have difficulties to identify protection needs of the population and to optimize planning, implementation and monitoring over assistance with in the limited resources.”

Due to lack of right to work, access to land and other gainful activities, the population remains largely dependent on humanitarian assistance, it adds.

Over 105,000 Bhutanese refugees are living in the seven UNHCR administered camps in Jhapa and Morang districts for the past 15 years.