Concept paper to address Maoist problem presented

December 27, 2002

The proposed concept paper on disarming the Maoists terrorists to render them ineffective and rehabilitating people victimized by the Maoist violence prepared by the National Security Council Secretariat was presented in Kathmandu Friday.

The concept paper prepared by the secretariat under the directives of the National Security Council has proposed starting a rehabilitation center in the form of a pilot project in Nepalgunj, in the mid-western development region, which has the largest concentration of Maoist affected people and terrorists.

It has suggested for the setting up of rehabilitation centers in other Maoist affected areas of the country as well in a gradual basis. It states that those who have surrendered before the security bodies and those who have joined the Maoist ranks under compulsion and wanting to give up terrorist activities can be taken as a target group and brought to the rehabilitation center.

The primary objective of the concept paper is to weaken the Maoists although they cannot be disarmed completely. Other objectives include projecting a good objective of His Majesty’s Government in the international arena and the rehabilitation of such people back in the society in a peaceful way.

Addressing the programme organized today Prime Minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand said the rehabilitation concept paper prepared under the directive of the National Security Council Secretariat aimed at seeking the way to address the Maoist problem, which is the burning problem of the country.