Code of Conduct for party workers okayed

January 22, 2001

Pokhara, Jan. 22 : The closed door session of the Nepali Congress 10th General Convention today approved a code of conduct for party workers.

The code of conduct requires every party member holding an advantageous post to submit a statement of property registered in his/her own and family members’ names, and update such statements every year. Such a party member is also required to disclose his/her sources of income to the party discipline and code of conduct committee.

The code of conduct proscribes illegal and unfair financial gains, and consumption of alcoholic drinks in public places except at times of religious, cultural and traditional festivals.

The code of conduct has stressed the need to check lavish expenditure and ostentation during festivals and social and cultural rituals like the sacred thread wearing ceremony, and discourages financial gain for helping someone to get his work done and social misconduct like sexual exploitation.

Likewise, it does not allow party workers to make any remarks aimed at character-assassination of others, hurting others’ pride and instigating disenchantment. The code has also stressed the need for party workers to refrain from recommending or influencing employee appointments, transfers or promotions for personal gain.

Party workers who participated in the discussion on the code of conduct during the closed door session suggested that the code should include a provision under which any party workers can file complaints with the party disciplinary committee backed by adequate evidence, if they found any party worker holding an advantageous post, committing any irregularity or indulging in misconduct.

Justice: Meanwhile, the Nepali Congress will concentrate all its efforts towards providing justice to the helpless and income to the poor, and involve the people backward in terms of society and geography as equal partners in the development mainstream of the country.

The policy and programme of the party approved at the 10th general convention states that the Nepali Congress, because of its continuous faith in the right to a dignified living for every member of society, will never leave the mainstream of socialism.

Stating that social justice and equality of opportunity in society are essential for the fulfillment of democracy, the party has said that because of its continuous faith in democracy the economic and social policies of the party are guided by the ideology of socialism.

The targeted objective of the Nepali Congress movement is upliftment of the backward society and as the overall development of the country is not possible without socio-economic change and maximum public support is essential in order to consolidate the foundations of democracy, the party has always been leading the struggle for justice and equality for the people.

The Nepali Congress feels that the role of the private sector is essential for enhancement of the prosperity of society and in order to increase production, it is also stated in the policy and programmes of the party.

The noble saying of popular leader B.P. Koirala that democratic socialism is the future of third world countries has become more relevant today and in this context involving people in the development campaign and bringing its fruit equally to all members of society is the special feature of democratic socialism and also the commitment of the Nepali Congress, it is pointed out.

Upliftment: Similarly, the Nepali Congress party rejects any kind of discrimination and is determined to work for the educational, socio-economic and political upliftment of the oppressed and enhancement of social awareness to put into practise the abolition of communal discrimination and untouchability, according to the policy and programmes approved by the 10th NC general convention.

Giving emphasis to the development of the socio-economic condition, languages and cultures of the nationalities, upliftment of indigenous people and development of remote areas, the party has also expressed commitment to making proper arrangements for rehabilitation of the ex-Kamaiyas.

Ex-army and police will also be involved in training and skill development in order to revive them economically and their experience and capabilities will be used in modern farming system, education, transport and the cooperatives sector, it is stated in the policy and programmes.

The party will also give emphasis to the multi-dimensional development of students, mobilisation of youths as messengers of democratic socialism and utilization of the creativity of the youth force.

Nepal Farmers Association will be activated by uniting farmers throughout the nation for the modernization of society and various government bodies like the Public Service Commission will be reformed in order to provide equal opportunity for speakers of all the languages in the country.

In order to fulfill the above objectives the Nepali Congress will pursue policy involving the strengthening of local bodies, decentralisation of power, fostering the cooperatives movement, a work plan for good governance, respect for labour and checking the population growth rate and environment pollution, says the policy and programmes proposal.