CoAS Thapa distributes certificates, felicitation letters

August 4, 2006

Chief of the Army Staff (CoAS) General Pyar Jung Thapa has distributed certificates to students receiving excellent results in the SLC and I.Sc. from Shree Panch Birendra Residential Military High School Bhaktapur amidst a function held at Shree Panch Tribhuvan Army Officers Club on Friday.

A press release issued by the Directorate of Public Relations of Nepal Army said CoAS Thapa also distributed felicitation letters to the teachers for their contribution in the education sector.

Of the 86 students appearing for the SLC, 56 students passed in distinction and 30 students passed in the fist division.

The release further said this is the excellent result achieved by the school for the first time.

Similarly, in the result of I.Sc., nine students scored distinction, while 31 students passed in first division.