CNI team discuss India visit

June 6, 2006

A team of the Confederation of Indian Industries (CNI) called on Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat on Monday and urged him to take up issues related to business and economy with the government of India during the visit of premier G P Koirala to India beginning Tuesday.

A delegation comprising its president Binod Kumar Chaudhary, Vice Presidetn Rajendra Kumar Khetan and other members, presented a six-point suggestions to Dr. Mahat – who is also a member of the Nepali delegation.

The CNI has requested the government to put forth issues such as removal of 4 percent additional customs duty imposed by Indian on the import of Nepali goods, exemption of countervailing duty on exports from Nepal, permission of liquid cargo movement by railway, effective implementation of the bilateral trade treaty and surface transportation between the two countries on a reciprocal basis.