Cleanliness campaign at Rani Mahal

May 24, 2019




24 may, Rampur- An intense cleanliness drive was carried out at Rani Mahal, a historic palace based in Palpa.
The palace dating back to the Rana regime remains as the touristic site for both domestic and foreign tourists. Over 40 NA personnel from the NA Gorakhdal Battalion, staff of the Tansen municipality sanitation section, from the Division Forest Office, and those security personnel deputed for the security of the historic monument located on the bank of Kaligandaki River worked together in cleaning the palace Thursday.

The palace and the area covered by it was massively cleaned, said battalion chief Suraj Thapa. Khadga Sumsher JB Rana in 1954 BS had built the palace in commemoration of his queen Tej Kumari Rana.
It lies some 13 kilometers east of the district headquarters Tansen.(RSS)