Civil society leaders warns of strike

July 6, 2006

Leaders of the civil society have waned of strike charging the political leaders of lingering on the issue of constituent assembly and trying to continue the reinstated House of Representatives indefinitely.

The Citizens’ Movement for Democracy and Peace (CMDP), who played important role during the popular movement of the country, said that the ruling parties have given the people enough reason to question their integrity by indulging in minor issues in parliament.

They have decided to organise protest programmes against the parties for ignoring the constituent assembly polls. They are, however, yet to fix the date.

Coordinator of the CDMP Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey

Coordinator of the CDMP Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey
(File Photo)
Coordinator of the CDMP Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey said, “We have been watching the activities of the political parties and have concluded that since the parties are not sincere to what they had promised, it is time to remind them that we are still on the streets.”

He said people want the government, parties and the Maoists to correct their mistakes and actively go for establishing a democratic republic through an election to a constituent assembly that is the mandate of Jana Andolan II.

Dr Panday said the government’s failure to take action against the army chief, its failure to sack the chief election commissioner and the head and members of the NHRC, and its indulgence in futile discussions over the future of the House have indicated that constituent assembly elections cannot be held as expected.

Another noted human rights activist Krishna Pahadi said the government that did not favour constituent assembly polls “is not our government”.

“Further continuity of the parliament will establish it as a useless and obdurate forum,” said Pahadi. Pahadi also criticized the parties for failing to start a debate on the substance of constituent assembly election even though three months have passed since the king was forced to relinquish power.

He said this is the time to discuss internally and come up with clear vision on new constituencies, election process, and management of arms.

Similarly, Prof. Krishna Khanal, journalist Shyam Shrestha and President of Federation of Nepalese Journalists Bishnu Nishthuri also rapped the government for not taking concrete efforts for going to the election of the constituent assembly.

They said CMDP members have already met some of the major ruling parties and the prime minister separately and apprised them of the people’s grievances and asked the government to move in that direction.