CIAA files Charge-sheet against eight people

October 1, 2005

Commission for the Investigation of the Abuse of Authority, (CIAA), filed a charge-sheet Friday at the Special Court against seven employees of the Rastriya Banijya Bank Baneshwor Branch and an Indian national Kebal krishan Khanna. Khanna is the Chief Operator of Nepal Professional Garments Private Limited.

The Commission has charged the bank employees of issuing loans in excess of the approved limit and embezzling over 180 million rupees, reports said.

Those charge-sheeted include bank manager Dilip Kumar Shrestha, Birendra Nath Lohani and Shree Krishna Shrestha; account officer Bharat Bahadur Basnet, joint account officer Gita Parajuli, senior assistant Mahendra Bhakta Pradhanang and junior technician Baal Prasad Neupane.

The CIAA on Thursday also charge-sheeted nine persons including four senior officials of the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) Central Office, in connection with alleged irregularities while issuing loans.