Camp for cleft-lip treatment

October 18, 2000

KATHMANDU, Oct18 – The Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital (SKMH) is going to organise a surgery camp for cleft lip and cleft palate starting from the 6th-10th of November in Damak, Jhapa.

According to a press release issued by SKMH, the surgery will be performed by the specialised doctor team, under the leadership of Dr Pape from Germany in co-operation with AMDA hospital in Damak.The release also states that the operation will be free of cost, only minimum administration fee will be charged.

SKMH, running since 1998 by Interplast Germany and with the co-operation of Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust, Kathmandu is a specialised hospital for plastic and reconstructive surgery.More than 1200 operations have already been performed at SKMH.