Bush supports Deuba initiative to end Maoist hostilities

July 28, 2001

American President George W. Bush welcomed Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba’s initiative to end a Maoist insurgency that has claimed at least 1,800 lives in nearly six years. “I was pleased to hear that one of your first official acts was to call for a cease-fire with the Maoists. I hope that  you will be successful in your efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement of that dispute.

” All of Nepal’s friends join in the hope that Nepal can focus its efforts from the insurgency toward building peace, prosperity and a strong democratic government,” he said. Visiting U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Christine Rocco delivered a Bush message to Deuba at a meeting Friday. The European Union has also welcomed the Deuba initiative. In a statement, the EU  hoped the government and Maoists will begin a dialogue soon to end the insurgency. The EU said a peaceful end to the dispute should lead to stability and development.